I am so bad at posting! Adam is getting bigger by the day and smarter by the second. He's had so many firsts in just the past month or so! Here are a few:

The first TEETH! It was October 30th, and I was sitting in our living room. Adam was standing up holding onto my fingers for balance and he started sucking on my hand. He always does that. But this time he chomped down and OW! I pick him up and there you have it! TEETH!!!! It was soooo exciting! I called my mom, my sisters, and my mother-in-law I was so excited!

This isn't really a milestone, but he's been doing this lately and it's hilarious. He has a ton of those little rings that all hook together and just recently he's just let them hang from his mouth. He'll hold them there and play with something else in his hands. Silly boy!

The first Halloween was kind of sad... We got this adorable costume for him. He was a RED HOT CHILI PEPPER! Unfortunately, the costume was too small and they didn't have one bigger. So he didn't get to be anything. Actually, the whole entire Halloween for all of us was lame. We only had 2 trick or treaters :(

This was his first nap without his binki. hehe, I know, again, not a milestone. But it was so cute to see him sleeping with that thumb in his mouth!
A few other things that I don't have pictures for: He's discovered that if he's tired of holding his head up while on his tummy, he'll just roll right over. Then when he's tired of being on his back, he'll roll right back over onto his tummy!
He has a sippy cup. Yes, that's right, a sippy cup! The ones that I got him are pretty cool. The little spout isn't hard plastic. It's soft, like a silicone nipple, so it's an easier transition from bottle to cup. It's great! He hasn't quite figured out that he can hold it with both hands on his own, but he's getting there!
Another thing: He's started to hold his bottle all by himself! He does still need assistance every once in a while, and I never just leave him alone with the bottle. But it is still amazing how fast they learn and adapt. WOW.
More to come!!
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