This is Adam in his little hospital gown. That plastic baggy was the only thing keeping him happy at the moment. If he's happy, I'm happy, right?
Anyway, check-in was 8:30am at Primary Children's Medical Center up the the U in Salt Lake. Adam was a happy boy all morning long. He did fuss quite a bit towards the end of the waiting before surgery because the poor thing hadn't had anything to eat since 8:30pm the previous night. He went into the OR at 10:30am. Dr. Snow, the pediatric urologist (baby peepee doctor) was doing the surgery. He's an older man, but was very good w/ us and Adam.
Scott and I played Phase 10 in the waiting room, among other things. We sat there for about an hour and a half before Dr. Snow came out and told us he sailed right through it! No problems at all. Another 15 minutes of waiting and I went back into recovery to be there when he woke up from anesthesia. There he was, IV and everything, sleeping calmly. I almost cried! He had tape marks from where they secured the tube they put down his throat on his cheeks, marks on his eyes because they had to tape those down too. The IV was stuck in his little hand because they couldn't find a vein in his foot. *sigh* the whole thing was probably more traumatic for ME than it was for him.
We stayed in recovery for a couple hours, just to make sure that he kept food down and that he reacted well to the loritab for pain. Then we were off home! He was very groggy for the next few hours, and he slept for a while too. But then, at about 8pm, a bomb went off. He was laying in my bed next to me and jumped about a foot off the bed and started SCREAMING! Of course, I had no CLUE what was going on, so I was panicking, trying to calm him down, sooth him in any way that I could. And of course, we DIDN'T fill his prescription for pain meds, so Scott had to run out to the store to pick them up. Later on we discovered that he had peed, and that most likely, stung and hurt like the dickens! The rest of that night, every time he peed it was like a bomb going off. It hurt him so bad!
He did sleep through the night. I was surprised that I didn't have to get up after 11:30. He was probably so exhausted! The next morning, it was like nothing had ever happened. I went into his room because I could hear he was awake, and there he was, smiling up at me like nothing was wrong w/ the world. Later that day, he was a bit irritable, but that's to be expected. Changing his diaper that day was also a nightmare every single time i opened it up. Swollen, black and blue, blood! It looked extremely painful.
Today, 4 days later, he's his usual self. It doesn't seem to bother him at all anymore. It isn't as horribly swollen as it was, but he is bruised a little. And he's circumcised, so it looks totally different! haha, sorry, TMI. He has to soak in the tub at least twice a day to help the swelling go away completely and so that the stitches will dissolve quicker. He's never had a tubby in the BIG tub before. I've always given him a tub in his little in-the-sink tub. So here is a picture of his first REAL tubby! He loved it! All smiles the entire time. And the splashing, well, I basically took a bath as well.

All in all, I'm a happy Mommy. The surgery was smooth, his recovery has been smooth, and everything is all fixed! I hope NO ONE has to go through any kind of surgery w/ their child. It was so nerve racking!
I have to thank my mom for staying w/ me almost the entire time! You may not have noticed Mamma, but you were keeping me calm and I appreciate the time you took to be with me on this difficult day. I love you so much! Thank you so much for all that you do for me and my family.
I'm so glad everything is ok now!
You're such a good mom! That had to be a tough experience for you. I'm glad he's feeling better and smiling again.
Poor kid! He's such a trooper...
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