I should be ashamed of myself! 5 months of no blogging. Pathetic. Well, I can honestly use the excuse of being EXTREMELY busy, but it's still a sorry one. So let's see what I can do about updating you all about the past few months.
Eternal Blossoms is doing VERY well! I've done 2 weddings recently, and have another on July 27th, as well as August 6th! Find a photo below of a bouquet I did for Roslyn and Collin's wedding on July 1st:

I have also recently done a few funerals as well. One piece I didn't get a picture of and I'm so mad at myself! They wanted something that was completely different and non-traditional. So I did a giant curly willow frame and wove orange, pink, and yellow flowers all throughout it. Gerbera Daisies, Snapdragons, Tiger Orchids, etc. It was very unique and, according to those who ordered it, matched her beautiful personality in life perfectly. Another funeral I did was very close to home. A friend of mine from high school lost her 3-year-old daughter to an unusual strain of the strep virus. This loss was devastating not only to her parents, but to all those who knew this beautiful little girl. I did a couple hearts in her honor and donated them to the ceremony. No parent should have to go through the loss of a child in any way, shape, or form. It broke my heart and I wept with them as they said goodbye to their sweet baby girl. Please find those pictures below as well.
When I'm not working on flowers, I'm usually at my full-time job with Homeland Field Services. We are a company that works for banks to fix up old foreclosed homes and bring them back up to code. It's dirty work, but someone's gotta do it! I am client manager there, and work directly for our clients bringing them whatever they need. It's very stressful work, but very rewarding as well. I love this job! I almost hope to never open my flower shop because Homeland and its owners have been very good to my family and me. We are a very small outfit, but cover 10 of the western states (crazy!) and work out of an office in Bountiful. The people are great, and I don't see myself leaving for a very long time!
Scott is working for a company called Progrexion (yes, it's spelled correctly). They work with Lexington Law and help repair credit. Don't ask me, because I honestly have no idea how any of it works. He seems to be doing well there, but I'm trying to convince him to get studying and take the POST, which is a test that certifies him for police work. It's what he's always wanted to do and I want to see him do what he wants instead of what he has to do in order to keep our little family afloat.
ADAM! Oh my goodness, I have a toddler! Shame on me for not even blogging about his 2nd birthday! I've gotta hunt down those pictures. He got 2 tricycles and a wagon, so he's pretty much set for life as far as he's concerned. We're working on talking and he's getting better. Some of his favorite words at the moment:
**Lilo and Stitch!
**Lilo and Stitch!
He is the biggest Pixar fan you'll ever meet in your life. His very first movie at a THEATER was Toy Story 3, which he of course loved. Lots of "Jess Jess!" and "Bruce!" (Bruce is what he calls a dinosaur) Over all he did very well and wasn't a bother to anyone around us. He's finally starting to put on some chub. We were a little worried for a while because he wasn't gaining any weight. He was stuck just under 25 lbs. for months, but has finally almost reached 30. We're working on potty training, but need a new potty. He's just not that interested right now, and honestly I wouldn't be either! It's hard work!
Everyone keeps bugging me as to when we'll be having another child. "Adam is almost 2 1/2 and you're not pregnant yet?" Ugh, I get it ALL THE TIME! It seems like everyone is pregnant. Yes, I really do want another baby, and soon too. But unfortunately we just aren't ready for that yet. I think Adam is happy being an only child at the moment, and I would honestly like to see him out of diapers before a second comes along. I don't want to be changing twice as many diapers as I do now! I'm hoping for a girl when the time does come, but I feel I'm destined to be the mother of all boys. I'm ok with that, I think!
This is good for now, and hopefully I'll get on here more often (yeah, we've all heard that before) to keep you more updated. I'll see what I can do about getting some updated photos of the boy up here so you can all see him.
Wow, 5 months is right! I'm glad you finally got around to updating - I know life can get pretty hectic! Love the update & I'm so glad to read that things are going well. Adam is a cutie as always - you need to post more pictures!
It's good to see that you're business is doing so well and that you're loving your job! I love the bouquet you did- I wish I could have taken some photos for you :( Next time?
that bouquet is SO pretty! i love it. glad everything is going well. i miss adam! he's getting so big!
Thanks for the update :) Your flower arrangements are lovely as usual. Adam seems to be doing awesome! As for the pregnant thing, relax things will happen when they're suppose to. Sorry people are bugging you about it, that's annoying.
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