Wednesday, March 4, 2009

UGH I am so bad at this!

I am terrible. I can't believe that it's MARCH and I still haven't posted any CHRISTMAS pictures yet! *sigh* And unfortunately I can't do it right now either, but I promise you that it will be done no LATER than tonight. But until I can get pictures loaded I will do an update.

We shall start on Scott's Birthday, which was February 3rd. He turned 22 (woohoo!), which isn't all that special a year I suppose, but I decided to put together something extra special for him because he certainly deserves it. We originally wanted to do a bed and breakfast thing for Valentine's Day weekend, and so I thought, "Hmmm, it's the beginning of January, I should probably just go ahead and reserve our weekend because I'm sure things will fill up quick." HA. Understatement. I called the first week of January to book 2 days at Anniversary Inn for Valentine's Day. They had been completely booked since NOVEMBER for that weekend. November?!? And I thought I was thinking ahead. Apparently not. So, I decided that we'll just do dinner that night (I booked a reservation that same day) and we would do the bed and breakfast weekend for Scott's Birthday. I found Castle Creek Inn in Sandy, which was very reasonably priced and simply gorgeous. Jetted tub and separate shower stall, king-sized bed, 42" flat screen TV and leather couch... yeah. It was so wonderful. Scott's birthday fell on a Tuesday, which was perfect because he has Wednesday, Thursday, Friday off. My parents watched Adam for us, we packed our bags (full of all sorts of romantic things) and were off. It was far enough away to feel like we were getting "away" but close enough just in case something went wrong with Adam or anything else for that matter. We had a wonderful first night, had a gourmet breakfast the next morning, and headed back up to our room to watch movies and lounge about the rest of the day. Scott gets a phonecall. It's work. "We just wanted to let you know that as of today you are no longer employed with Verizon Wireless." *click* That puts a damper on things just a bit... The rest of the story involves a trip to West Valley, getting dragged out by my hair by the security guards (haha, not really), and lots and lots of tears. Good thing my wonderful husband is able to keep a smile on my face. We went back to our room and attempted to salvage the rest of our trip. It was mostly successful.

Thankfully, I was able to keep my job at Tuck Landscaping and move to full time. I also got insurance squared away so we are ok there. Scott has been diligently looking for a new job. It's hard to be kicked out on the curb like that when you've worked for a company for over 2 years. All we have to do now is move forward, trust in our Heavenly Father, and continue our lives as a family. I believe that as long as we continue doing the things we are supposed to, our lives will be blessed and we will get through this tough time.

In the mean time, I am thoroughly enjoying my son. Adam is the light of my life. He is getting sooo close to his first birthday! 2 months away. I can't even believe it. He's the most amazing crawler you will ever see in your life. He can crawl faster than I can run, and I'm not exaggerating! He has 4 teeth, two on the top and two on the bottom. He is so close to walking and he wants it so bad! He'll stand up by himself for a minute and then realize that he has no where else to go but down. And he's so steady! What an exciting time to be a mother. He plays pattycake with me, gives me cheesy grins, lots of hugs, and no matter what he's gotten into I can never stay mad at him for longer than a second. He's just about grown out of all his clothes (he's into 18 months now, and he's not even a year old yet!) so it's just about time to go shopping. He still has NO hair except on the sides of his head. We're pretty sure he'll be a dirty blonde. *sigh* There is so much to talk about when it comes to him. I am definitely the epidomy of a proud mother. More boasting, I'm sure, will come when I post his Christmas pictures and others. MANY others. I swear my mother-in-law takes a hundred each time he's over. That's ok Jenny, I LOVE IT!

I think that's enough of an update for now. Again, I promise PROMISE those pictures will be up later tonight. Love to you all!



Rachael said...

We miss Adam, we haven't seen him in over a month! I'm sorry to hear about Scott's job, that is horrible! But what a blessing you had the opportunity to go full time with Tuck. I hope Scott finds a good job soon so you can spend more time at home with Adam! :]

Megs said...

Thanks for the update Em, we've been waiting for one! :) I hope everything works out - I'm sure they will - and I love hearing about cute Adam. You should come visit Emerie and I sometime.

Megs said...

You are always welcome to come visit, Em! And you were missed at the baby blessing, but I completely understand.