Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ode to My Family

I am a pictureholic... But that's a good thing, right? If I don't put these up something will end up happening to my computer and I'll lose everything. That's how it usually goes, right? haha, so here are some pictures of my wonderful family!

Here is my Mommy and Adam on the Fourth of July. Thank you so much for all the help and advice you have given me. And believe me, I'll keep coming back for more because I'm new to this "Mommy" thing! I love you!!

Here is my Daddy and Adam on the Fourth of July. He's always the fist one I call when I have a question about something. If I need advice, he's the one I go to. It's amazing how much more you appreciate the advice of your parents when you don't live with them. I love you Daddy!

He was sooo happy to finally have a boy in the family. This is when Adam was only about a week or two old. Yay Grandpa!

My beautiful sisters! Kyrsten had just graduated, obviously... Now Jesse is a 9th grader! She will be graduating soon too. She's all alone in the house w/ my parents now while Kyrsten is up at USU. GO AGGIES!

Here they are again. They certainly are never boring, that's for sure! I miss them all the time. It's nice to live so close so that visits are possible every so often.

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