Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Catch Up
Here it is, December and I haven’t even posted Halloween pictures. And I thought keeping a journal was hard! Adam went as Superman this year. He was the most handsome Superman in the whole world, of course. We took him over to my parents’ house and he went trunk-or-treating with their ward. Nice and easy for his first REAL Halloween. He carried his little pumpkin bucket around like a champ. It took a couple trunks before he realized that people were putting things like SUCKERS in his bucket! This excited him quite a bit. He loves suckers.
We couldn’t stay long because Scott and I had a Murder Mystery party to get to. We hosted a 1930’s Hollywood Murder Mystery that night. All together there were 4 couples we cooked for. It took me back to high school when my friends and I did murder mysteries all the time! We all dressed up in formal attire, got into character, and had a blast the whole night. I did my hair in finger waves, which was a lot easier than people had made it out to be. All in all, it was a very enjoyable evening. By the way, I was the murderer :D
Adam is a champ when it comes to shots. We had him vaccinated for the H1N1 flu this season. When we got to the center where the shots were being administered, all you could hear was the screaming and crying of children. The vaccine came in 2 different forms: the usual shot and a nasal spray, which I was able to get. Adam was not yet 2 years old, so he had to get the shot. Down went his pants and the nurse stuck him good with that long needle. All he did was a little whimper, as if to say, “Hey! What the heck are you doing??” A sucker solved all of his problems. Not even one tear! Same thing happened when he had to be back a few weeks later for his booster shot. Whimper, sucker, all was right in the world. He’s always been that way with shots. Even when he was newborn he didn’t seem to really mind them. By the 3rd stick, he starts to notice, but Mommy kisses can cure anything. It’s so nice to have that power!
My business has sort of hit a low at the moment, but it’s ok. I understand it’s the time of year that makes it slow. I’m finally able to accept credit cards! It’s very exciting. I hated asking people to please use PayPal or send me a check in the mail. It’s very trusting to ask someone to just send you a check and hope they follow thru. I found an awesome company that has a very low per-transaction rate, no monthly minimum, and no minimum transaction. I don’t even need a terminal to swipe the cards. All I have to do is call it in to their automated system and the money is in my account within 48 hours. In summary, I’m very, very excited!
Thanksgiving this year was not an enjoyable one for me. I woke up early that morning so that we could go up Morgan Canyon to cut down our Christmas Tree. It’s tradition in my family. Upon awaking that morning, I had horrible abdominal and back pain. It was almost like really bad menstrual cramps, but I wasn’t really sure what was going on. Not wanting to be a poor sport, we went up the mountain anyway, but left without a tree because of my pain. The rest of that day was as follows: Emily lays on the couch with a heating pad on her back from about 11am-3:30pm. She doesn’t move. She takes lots of pain meds. Time for Thanksgiving at Scott’s grandparents’ house. I really couldn’t eat much because I didn’t feel well. Scott had slathered my back with Icy Hot in hopes it would feel better for an hour or so while we were with his family. Every time I walked by someone they would say, “Do you smell menthol?” It was a little awkward, but funny at the same time. We went over to my parents’ house for dessert where again, I didn’t eat anything really. The next day I attempted to find a doctor who was working on Black Friday. I called around the entire Wasatch Front for at least 2 hours trying to find someone who could see me. Finally I just opted to go to the local Urgent Care. 2 hour wait! I couldn’t wait that long. I found a little tiny Urgent Care in Bountiful that didn’t have much of a wait. After doing various tests the doctor concluded I had a kidney infection, which is why my back hurt so bad. He gave me some antibiotics and a “number” and sent me on my way. I’m finished with my antibiotics, and I feel much better now. I hate being sick or in pain. I wasn’t able to pick up Adam or play with him, I couldn’t keep up with laundry or the housework, and I wasn’t very pleasant company. But all is well now, and I have a clean house, clean clothes, and Scott can actually enjoy my company :D
Update on Adam: 19 months old and still not talking yet. It’s ok, all children learn and grow at their own pace, right? He’s got Mama, Dada, Uh-Oh! and Papa down. Papa, of course, is short for Grandpa. Whenever we are on our way to see my parents or Scott’s parents, Adam knows where we are. Before we even pull into the driveway he’s shouting, “Papa! Papa!” It’s so cool to see him learn and remember things, like the way to Grandpa’s house. He’s such a picky eater now. It drives me crazy! It scares me sometimes, because most days all he will eat is toast and have a cup or 2 of juice. Some days I can get him to eat 3 meals a day, but it’s rare. It’s very frustrating. You would think he’d want whatever we are having, and it usually starts out that way. But when we offer it he turns his face away. Anyone out there have any ideas to get this kid to eat more? He’s not losing weight, he’s still growing, so I don’t feel like a complete failure. The fact doesn’t change that it scares me that he doesn’t eat when he should! He’s definitely a boy thru and thru. He loves to throw things, pull things apart, and hit things. It’s definitely a chore to keep my house clean when he’s awake and running around. Toys are put away one minute, and the next he’s got them all pulled out again, throwing them across the floor and laughing hysterically. It makes me laugh too most days. I think the funniest thing about him right now is he is in LOVE with the vacuum cleaner. Whenever I bring it out of the laundry room to vacuum his eyes get all wide and he says “Ooooo!!” with a big “O” mouth. He wants to push it around and pull all the attachments off. He puts the attachments together and pushes them around like I do with crevices. Looks like he’ll actually enjoy chores once he’s old enough! He’s really good about putting his toys away when Mommy asks. Most days he’s more than willing to help me put them back into his toy box. He’s a very good helper. Even though he isn’t speaking yet, he knows exactly what you’re saying. If I ask him to go get his shoes, he’ll go into his room and get his shoes for me. If I ask him to go put something away, he will turn around and put it back where he found it (most of the time). I couldn’t be more blessed than I am now to have him as my son.
I didn’t mean for this to be so long, but there’s a lot to talk about. Not many pictures to accompany, but I’ll try to make up for it. I have some pictures from the summer that I really want to post, so I will try to get those loaded onto the computer and get them posted soon. Hopefully I will get better at this blog thing and keep it more updated than I do. I thoroughly enjoy reading the blogs of my cousins, and I’m sure they’d like me to return the favor.
PS: PICTURES TO FOLLOW! I kinda sorta have misplaced my camera....