I am determined to get back into my Wedding Dress by my Anniversary, which is April 28th. When Scott and I got married, it was a small ceremony just at a wardhouse near my parents' house. We didn't really do pictures and none of the ones that we did do turned out very well. So I want my Bridals done. I never got to get all dolled up before my wedding day and have those beautiful timeless pictures taken that every other bride gets. And since Scott and I were sealed later in the temple, there were no pictures on the temple grounds of us, which I also would like to have. How do I plan to lose 25 lbs and 3 dress sizes by APRIL?

That's right, I have joined the Curves Revolution! This program is absolutely amazing! You go to your local Curves gym, scan your little card which keeps track of you and your workout, and you spend 30 minutes... wait, what was that? 30 MINUTES?? Yeah, that's all the time you need to take. No more spending hours at the gym, wandering around not really knowing what to work out on, how long on each machine, to get the best results. Curves is specially designed around women and the trouble spots that WOMEN have. The belly, the love handles, the upper arms, etc. You go around the circuit twice, stretch afterwards, and you're done. It's the best 45 minutes (that includes my stretching time) of my day. I firmly believe I will reach my goal and fit back into that dress by my anniversary. I am determined!